L. Jean Camp
Risk community, incentives in security, and security policy
The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering explores technology’s role in society to help design better systems.
To fully understand how cybersecurity works, one must understand its foundations, both practical and theoretical.
Modern cybersecurity is a multifaceted challenge, encompassing a vast spectrum of social, legislative, and economic issues that implicate everyone’s privacy. Making better decisions requires a thorough understanding of those factors and how they might affect any potential measures and policies.
Luddy recognizes the importance of seeing the big picture. That’s why, through an emphasis on science, applications, and the societal implications of security, Luddy fosters an intuitive grasp of the complex cause-and-effect relationship between security and society when trying to balance privacy with protection.
Today’s cybersecurity threats are more numerous and effective than ever. Newly designed security systems should be capable of effectively mitigating those threats, as well as adaptable enough to fight future threats. That requires an exhaustive awareness of potential abuses.
Luddy instills that knowledge to help design digital infrastructures with the necessary capabilities for combatting new and emerging abuses, such as phishing, cyberfraud, and privacy in different computing environments.
Luddy takes a proactive approach to developing security protocols and mechanisms for computing networks. Luddy extends that approach to advising and assisting with system implementation from project inception.
By applying theoretical and technical knowledge to system implementation, Luddy can better select the necessary tools and measures, such as cryptography or secure computation, for installing secure systems.
The challenge of keeping systems secure does not end after installation. New cyber threats emerge all the time, so it is important to monitor security infrastructure to ensure that protections keep pace with threats.
Luddy focuses on managing and evaluating digital infrastructure as a continuation of the quest to improve security as well as to increase usability and understanding of the systems.
L. Jean Camp
Risk community, incentives in security, and security policy
Yan Huang
Secure multi-party computation, cryptography, and systems security
Apu Kapadia
Privacy preserving systems and privacy in the Internet of Things
XiaoFeng Wang
Systems security and human genome privacy
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