Bipin Prabhakar
Information systems
The Indiana University Kelley School of Business explores, analyzes, and develops best practices to support Enterprise Risk Management strategies.
For some companies, investing in stronger cybersecurity measures comes down to cost and logistical burden. In these situations, corporate leaders may need further education about the benefits of proactive cybersecurity investments.
The Kelley School of Business places emphasis on demonstrating the value of built-in protections, which prevent breaches before they ever happen—and save firms money in the event of a cyberattack.
The increase of corporate cybersecurity attacks raises questions about the public disclosure of breaches. It can be difficult to determine if a digital breach constitutes a material data security breach. It can be even harder to decide how and when to disclose it to the public.
The Kelley School of Business is working to find more effective disclosure guidelines that allow companies to share information effectively without concern for their public reputation or bottom line.
The Kelley School of Business takes an interdisciplinary, global approach to enhancing cybersecurity—a critical issue affecting corporate competitiveness and governmental security.
Courses examine the cyber law policies shaping our day-to-day realities, as well as:
Cyber threats have become more common and more threatening. Still, convincing companies to invest in exhaustive cybersecurity can be challenging. It can be easy for financial officers to project savings from not spending on digital infrastructure. Projecting savings from attack prevention is trickier.
Firms with strong cybersecurity measures may have a strategic advantage in the marketplace. By being proactive, they’ll be better able to distinguish themselves from other firms and even add value for their clients.
Bipin Prabhakar
Information systems
Scott Shackelford
Business law and ethics
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